Any judge who interprets the law in a way that recognizes and guarantees someone else constitutional or legal rights in a manner of which you don't approve.
An "activist judge" is a judge who petulantly refuses make everyone else live under the rules of -your- religion.
An "activist judge" is a judge who petulantly refuses make everyone else live under the rules of -your- religion.
How dare those Activist Judges suggest that homosexuals are people, too!?! The constitution clearly says that it protects all people -except- people who are different from me... Wait a second. Where's my pencil...?
The constitution says "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." Note that it doesn't say "heterosexual, white, christian person". There are no 'activist judges'.
The constitution says "No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." Note that it doesn't say "heterosexual, white, christian person". There are no 'activist judges'.
by Honor February 13, 2008
What do you call a white guy who talks of white rage, and the threat of racial violence? A despicable racist. What do you call a black guy who talks about black rage, and the threat of racial violence? A black activist.
by yorkie stomper April 2, 2008
Ego activist (noun): 1. "activist" more occupied with stroking their tender ego than actually helping the cause, and/or using actions done for a cause to glorify themselves.
"Sarah is such an ego-activist. When I visited her, she spent half the time bragging about how much her solar panel arrays were reducing net carbon emissions and power grid stress."
by hhubs November 21, 2015
Activism, in a general sense, can be described as intentional action to bring about social, political, economic, or environmental change. This action is in support of, or opposition to, one side of an often controversial argument
I am a "Social Activist" and I would like to spread knowledge, and support charities and our brothers and sisters in arms.
by FreedomFighter5543 August 31, 2010
When a group or organisation is infiltrated by those representing minority interests in such a way that they gain significant influence or control and then use this to push their desired agenda.
Activist capture is usually a deliberate process initiated by outsiders of the group or organisation. Tactics include: *Making demands for representation, often citing a lack thereof
*Calls for allyships
*Forming of a bloc that is used to drown out individual members and amplify their own voices
* Liberal use and accusations of "isms" and "phobias" designed to force compliance through fear
*Threats or intimidation if the above doesn't work
Activist capture is a strategy used when it is highly unlikely that a brand new group representing activist interests will gain anywhere near the power or influence of the existing one.
Activist capture is usually a deliberate process initiated by outsiders of the group or organisation. Tactics include: *Making demands for representation, often citing a lack thereof
*Calls for allyships
*Forming of a bloc that is used to drown out individual members and amplify their own voices
* Liberal use and accusations of "isms" and "phobias" designed to force compliance through fear
*Threats or intimidation if the above doesn't work
Activist capture is a strategy used when it is highly unlikely that a brand new group representing activist interests will gain anywhere near the power or influence of the existing one.
by 77ax March 29, 2021
1) A person who legally and lawfully exercises their right to make their oppostion to war and military action known. Ideally, their protests are a result of their moral or philosophical objections.
2) A person, usually college-aged, woefully uninfomred about the nature of certain conflicts in the world. Often makes rash statements based on surface and incorrect assumptions. This is usually a result of reactionary behavior.
2) A person, usually college-aged, woefully uninfomred about the nature of certain conflicts in the world. Often makes rash statements based on surface and incorrect assumptions. This is usually a result of reactionary behavior.
by Red Devil Slim April 8, 2004
A complete idiot who would rather sell out his country and economy to a bunch of wetbacks and beaners. Also known as MECHA, LA RAZA, and other ignorant morons. Typically believes that the Southwest U.S. was stolen from Mexico. Likes to coddle beaners and give them free social services at the expense of tax-paying U.S. citizens.
1. Those stupid beaner activists burned a U.S. flag downtown today.
2. Emergency rooms are closing because of beaner activists!
2. Emergency rooms are closing because of beaner activists!
by John from LA December 13, 2006