anybody can get it
“these niggas keep trying me but abg!”
by …123 February 14, 2019
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Abbreviation of 'Always Be Geez' .

The perpetual state of being an absolute geezer, and living your life according to the values of being one.
James has just finished a 3 day sesh....ABG.

Stop being a total pussy, ABG you melt.
by Always be geez December 26, 2018
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ABG, mostly known as Asian Baby Girl but also "Asian Beurette Girl" dans la rue la vraie. Often mistaken with the Post Bad type of girl, "the ABG is more of an attitude than anything else". The Post Bad in the other hand is more of a facade, were you post instagram picture looking badass as f*ck like a bad b*tch kinda. An ABG is a Post Bad but a Post Bad isn't an ABG (most of the time)."It's like squares and rectangles: squares are rectangles but rectangles aren't squares".
You can mostly find them in the US but they're not that common in EU countries.
Everyone: Kathy's friends are ABG's!!!
Kathy: No they are not ABG's, ABG is an attitude!
by magz1me October 30, 2020
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Anybody can get it
“ Screaming abg forever .. anybody get it “ - Bloody Jay
by samooda July 31, 2019
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Niggas from nyc that know how to ride bikes and are mad lit
Friend 1: Yo you see Alvin right their
Friend 2: Yea

Friend 1: Hes In ABG
by queenslitniggs February 17, 2020
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An acronym for "Average Boring Girl", because apparently, it is a crime to be a girl.
Slang like "ABG" is the reason women think that they can't be "like the other girls".
by hisokas.corset January 6, 2021
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