While smoking Marijuana communally among a group, a bottlenecker is an individual, when passed, keeps smoking the joint/spliff much longer than they should resulting in others frequently reminding them to pass the joint/spliff to the next recipient.

The individual effectively creates a bottle neck in the flow of weed being consumed within the group.
Dude you've become a bottlenecker these days - you never pass the spliff!
by howiquitweed November 3, 2011
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Computer-related definition: A part of your computer internals is slowing your entire system down.
Example of a Bottleneck: Your GPU is higher-end compared to your processor, but your processor isn't powerful enough and prevents your GPU from working at full potential. This is also known as bootlegging.
by The Elder Hobo October 22, 2013
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A bottleneck is a point of congestion in a production system (such as an assembly line or a computer network) that occurs when workloads arrive too quickly for the production process to handle.
Pepe can not handle this volume, he is such a bottleneck
by DonLemar June 7, 2019
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Bottleneck is a thing or a person that slows down a flow or a process
A: Hey how is the project going?
B: It´s alright but Naga is a bottleneck so we are a bit behind
by NAHA31 October 13, 2021
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A co-worker who takes so long to do their job they make every project take longer than it should.
We would have been done with this project two months ago if Dante wasn't such a bottleneck.
by SafeGoat August 4, 2008
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A universal safe-word for seshes, when a friend is going overboard you use this word.
"bro too far, BOTTLENECK cunt!"
"Bro he was being a bit bottlenecky but it's alright."
by Kneeeckle September 11, 2022
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when you stick your flaccid penis in a bottle then make it go erect inside the bottle
911 whats your emergency
I was bottlenecking and now my dick fell off
by Jpl Gaymes March 24, 2017
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