someone who seems like someone you wouldnt like, but then you get to know them and they are RADICAL. See Conradical and Prorad
person 1: dude, that guys a total kill joy. no one likes him..
person 2: nah, actually, he's really cool. a real Conrad he is. Conradical.
by d00d3 whtvr. January 27, 2008
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Badly Radical. See Proradical or Prorad
See Conrad
A Conrad is Conradical.

Or Could be something awesome with something bad attached.
person 1: you want a cookie? its the kinda with the thick icing that could make you sick but is soo deliciousss..
person 2: hell yeah, i love them things. they're conradical. i dont give a shit if they make me throw up, i'm eating them.
by d00d3 whtvr. January 27, 2008
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Someone that is so hot, that when you see them, you jizz urself.
Confyah is walking across the street and I see him

"Man, Conrad's arsenal iz so hott!! WIT 2 T33's!!!"
by dj alligator! April 8, 2008
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Conrad is single most caring boy in the world, hes sweet, charming, handsome and makes all the ladies go crazy over him. Conrad knows how to make a girl feel loved and cared for and all the ladies go bonkers for him and he doesn't even know it. Hes cool with his friends and generally everyone likes conrad.
by a hot sexy girl122 November 23, 2021
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bob: hey lyndon isnt your brothers name conrad
Lyndon: yeah
bob:dude thats an awesome name
Lyndon: yeah its short for conradical
bob: really!?!?
Lyndon: yeah
bob: dude thats awesome
Lyndon:*thinking* (thats not what it really means it would be pretty kick ass if it was though.)
by yellow35 April 26, 2008
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to rip the piss out of someone for fun
'If all else fails, then it's time for a conrad'
by Guantanamo July 12, 2006
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The most amazing Man to have ever lived. Glad to have loved and lost than ever never loved at all. I'll miss him forever: i.e. The children are lucky to have the father he has become. Clemson race steady pace ice man. A strength admired for the challenges he has encountered and lived threw it all to become an admirable man. Compared to all that try'ed to break his will to love one woman. She was an idiot to ever think his bro's told her the truth. A trustworthy man that deserves the credit for the person he is to us all. Rad I'm so sorry and hopefully this will one day reach you. But you have chosen and I cannot under good conscious ask for love from him due to faults alone in the Polar lands of my own head.
Conradical is the Man.

Why do you have to be so Conradical dude.

God she's an idiot for giving up instead of giving in and letting the fears in her head go.

Conradical always told me not to let go as fast paced as he was and I dropped the ball in mid air. He deserves the best I hope she gives that to you. Lord knows I Try to do my best to keep my sanity over what has bee created in this world between us.
by WlfdgBrokeGameover January 30, 2010
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