A Beat is a public toilet or public restroom where gay men congregate to pay homage to Priapus. Please see cock worshipper and George Michael.
A Beat is the Gentleman's toilet or lavatory where George Michael displays his sexual talent as an alfresco cruising artist bent over a urinal. Visual material of beats can be seen and heard on George Michael's single, "Outside", where George plays up his arrest for engaging in a lewd act in a notorious public restroom at a Beverly Hill's city park.
Beats are public toilets where heterosexual policeman who are in fact confused homosexuals go to live out their sexual fantasies, or at least get close enough for a taste of them.
A dirty beat has been satirized as Courtney Loves mouth.
A Beat is the Gentleman's toilet or lavatory where George Michael displays his sexual talent as an alfresco cruising artist bent over a urinal. Visual material of beats can be seen and heard on George Michael's single, "Outside", where George plays up his arrest for engaging in a lewd act in a notorious public restroom at a Beverly Hill's city park.
Beats are public toilets where heterosexual policeman who are in fact confused homosexuals go to live out their sexual fantasies, or at least get close enough for a taste of them.
A dirty beat has been satirized as Courtney Loves mouth.
"I saw this Big Greek Dick sticking out of the bushes on the 'Hampstead Heath' in the U.K!" "I could have sworn it was George Michael's."
"I've seen beats in third world countries that are cleaner than Courtney Love's mouth!"
Jason was sick of going to all the beats in Melbourne, so he decided he would bring them to his house by graffiti'ing his name and mobile number up on the urinal wall. See beatslut and A Beat.
"I've seen beats in third world countries that are cleaner than Courtney Love's mouth!"
Jason was sick of going to all the beats in Melbourne, so he decided he would bring them to his house by graffiti'ing his name and mobile number up on the urinal wall. See beatslut and A Beat.
by The Moody Poet August 12, 2006
When a Guido pounds the floor rhythmically to the beat of the music to let out all of their Guido juiced up rage and excitement. Recently familiarized by the new hit show Jersey Shore.
by Davnia Nelffo February 2, 2010
To Beat Beat is used as an expression of ejaculating or Skeeting , To make the trouser snake sneeze on or spit on an object or objects , it can also be used as an alternative to saying something out of excitement such as Yes! or Alright!
Oh Shit I just passed my Biology Exam BEAT BEAT!!!, Get outta my face bitch before I Beat Beat in your eye, Dude look at her rack Beat Beat!
by Zack Herrell May 2, 2006
To have sex with someone ("beat it up" or just "beat it") and then get the hell out as quickly as possible ("beat it", like the Michael Jackson song). A close synonym of "hit it and quit it".
Kenny: "So, Lenny, Jenny says you were pretty lame in the sack last night."
Lenny: "Bullshit, motherfucker. I had that bitch screaming like a banshee. But the second we were done I grabbed my clothes and booked it for the door."
Kenny: "Ah, the old beat it and beat it move."
Lenny: "Yeah, they really don't like that too much. I never understood why."
Kenny: "Bitches, man. Bitches."
Lenny: "Bullshit, motherfucker. I had that bitch screaming like a banshee. But the second we were done I grabbed my clothes and booked it for the door."
Kenny: "Ah, the old beat it and beat it move."
Lenny: "Yeah, they really don't like that too much. I never understood why."
Kenny: "Bitches, man. Bitches."
by Nick D October 15, 2003
A term usually meant to tell others to go away or leave you alone and might even be another way to tell people to fuck off considering how the word beat is commonly associated with the male term for masturbation
by Immovable Spirit March 5, 2016
by Crf.500 November 18, 2015
A challenge set forth to anyone who can do something better, faster, or more extreme than yourself. Often used with the words Hot Wheels in reference to the brand that coined the phrase.
by boogaloo123 July 23, 2008