4:20 is the time that Bob Marley died. Every year, 4/20 (April 20) is celebrated as do drugs day, since bob marley used marijuana.
"You going to smoke some shit with us? It's the 420 .

420 shit smoke weed marijuana
by anonomous510 June 20, 2009
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The police code for possession of marijuana, which has become the infamous 'weed number.'
Aw, man, I'm so ready for 420 right now.
by Julia Skellington February 28, 2006
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The term 420 comes from the Time in India with Brtish occupation. The term is generally considered racist and is defined as fradulently or maliciously stealing information or goods from someone with seeming control. More recently however the term can be related to social engineering and jacking shit like the archangle, "a killer, clean, cold blooded , thorough," whose alias is "Whitehats" and jacks shit like yellow jerseys, "no mercy"
"Have you seen my hat." " No, besides why would you need that dirty old thing happy 420, remain blessed"
by Matties Little Ass August 31, 2007
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The composition of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) contains 420 chemicals. The "main" part of marijuana.
This can be easily looked up and verified in any chemical encyclopaedia/dictionary.
by Rabelasian Prostagone September 27, 2004
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Many people believe that this is a day celebrating weed, but it's actually Hitler's birthday.
by Nickac December 11, 2018
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it is a secret symbol...if you turn you're head 90 degrees to the right it looks like a man sititng on his porch smoking some weed
by NK + ID April 23, 2006
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420 has nothing to do with waldos whatsoever. 420 stands for April 20th, what is Adolf Hitlers birthday, which many people in the Netherlands(home to amsterdam) and Germany celebrated during Hitlers time by drinking alcohol and, smoking marijuana. The Tradition then made its way over to the United States through word of travelers.
It's 420 time!
Lets Party Like 420!
by DGK "tOrMeNtIuM" December 18, 2007
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