135 is a term used by an rapper from Coventry named frawzy this word is similar to slime or bro. But 135 means deep love and affection.
“She’s My 135 bro
Yeah bro that’s my 135”
Shout out my 135 man”
by Dontlack February 24, 2020
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You: I have to take chem 135 next semester. Is it hard? Me: *heavy breathing* *starts crying* *remembers what's a nice GPA looked like*
by GodofTraps December 3, 2014
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When a man gets fucked in the ass by a squirrel in a 135° angle repeatedly cumming in the assfucked man
“Man! Did you hear about that guy who got 135° assfucked by a squirrel?”
by Donsolopponym August 18, 2023
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Rule stating that any song that exists either has, or will soon have a dubstep remix.
Rule 135 would include Wu-tang clan, Beatles, and Super Mario Bros. remixes.
by webstergeon June 25, 2010
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A rule that states that any song that exists either has, or will soon have a dubstep remix.

This rule is non-exclusive, and even applies to other dubstep tracks. Nothing is safe.
Rule 135 would include remixes of The Mario Bros. theme, Wu-Tang Clan remixes, Beatles remixes, etc.
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