Suffix for many sub-genres of metal. Most of which suck ass. If something is 'core' then that just means it is shitty or monotonous or dirivative.
Stop listening to that mallcore crap and pick up some Opeth.
by matt April 11, 2005
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(Shit). It is something to add to a music style that will be a guarantee the music is (horrendous) shit.
Usually has melodic guitars like U2 but will in addition have some 21-year-old college-drop-out, I-scream-out-of-key-to-be-cool, frontman... The singer will then proceed to sing very (emo) and confuse the audience with giving them a sound that makes them think "not bad, its actually pretty good now," and then he will then proceed to scream again out of key, and make everyone in the audience wish they never experimented with "Core" style music.
by BigHotScaryGermans September 9, 2005
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The lesser form of hardcore, someone who neither has a lot of courage/balls or no courage at all.
Hey guys, I went mountain biking. I told you I was core.
by Cletus August 21, 2003
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A cores? é uma frase dita pelo apresentador e humorista Fernando Mendes, no programa "O Preço Certo", geralmente quando o assistente Miguel apresenta uma TV em full HD como prémio da montra final ou para quem acerta no preço do televisor.
Fernando Mendes - O que é que a dona Lurdes pode ganhar a seguir?
Miguel - E a dona Lurdes poderá ganhar um magnífico televisor...
Fernando Mendes - A cores?
by Chacarron123 August 13, 2011
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The real deal in warez. The actual program itself. No bs, no crap just
real core of the application.

DVD-screeners of movies, not the theatre cam crap.
I'd like the core version of Macromedia MX 2004.

This is the core version of
by Hybrdz February 6, 2004
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a suffix which basically, when combined with the prefix, is defined as a particularly heavy type of rock music.
That metalcore band sucked. The grindcore band was pretty cool though.
by john August 16, 2003
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1. The very middle of an object
2. Essential
3. Middle of a nuclear reactor
1. "Throw away the core of the apple"
2. "It's core that we finish this before tonight"
3. "The core's gonna blow!"
by Anonymous August 21, 2003
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