Read and Review.
Request the fanfic writers ask to their readers as the only payment they´ll ever get for their stories
This story contains spoilers of OOTP, please R&R if you want me to write more chapters.
by Lara October 17, 2003
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Raisins and more raisins a term derived from the YouTuber Slimecicle from his Spider-Man YouTube video
“Man I can’t wait to get some R&R”
“What’s that”

Raisins and more raisins!”
by Sniperthebanana March 28, 2020
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raisins and more raisins
i need my daily fix of r and r, raisins and more raisins
by toastxiii November 29, 2019
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Canadian Whiskey purchased in liquor stores.. tastes like shit but gives you a niice feeling when intending to get drunk.
Yo, let's drink some R&R tonight and live.
by t February 20, 2005
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The beginning sign of a subreddit name. Annoying when used outside of Reddit.
Person 1: HEY GUYS I HAVE MINECRAFT @22222222
Person 2: Minecraft 2 doesn't exist you idiot
Person 1: r/woooosh
Person 2: Fuck you
by whenthathomebrewhits October 26, 2019
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Internet forum where your thread will go off-topic in less than 2 replies. Idiocy runs free overthere.
by Motown October 20, 2003
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R and R stands for read and review, often found in summaries or at the end/beginning of internet novells and such.

Can also refer to rest and relaxation.
So everyone please R and R!

I'm going to R and R this weekend.
by asdfghjklöä December 23, 2010
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