An alcoholic beverage served in bars, consisting of a mix of Gin, and Kummel with Lemmon juice. Also known to have whiskey in it.
Waitor, I'll have a silver bullet.
by BrianP November 26, 2006
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An insult to describe a person who is addicted to coffee and is extremely out of shape. They have horrible bladder control and go to the toilet every half hour. They also like getting in fights, preferably with people of Lebanese origin
Andy: Be right back guys, I'm gonna make a cuppa
MaFox: wtf man, that's your 3rd one
Andy: And go to the toilet
MaFox: Aw ya fucking silver bullet!
by MaFox May 24, 2008
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A sex toy lurking in the drawer of mother goose, which was found and exploited one day and baby goose got a face full.
They shoved silver bullet in Ryans face after they found it in his moms drawer.
by Rick James April 15, 2004
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A burrito that has been frozen so that it is easier to stick up ones rectum
Yeh, I was feeling a little randy, so i shoved a silver bullet right up there.
by gleesedaddy March 14, 2019
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nickname for coors light based on the shiny aluminum can
damn blud sippin a silver bullet. you know he don’t kiss men
by June 19, 2023
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The best rabbi you will ever find. He will knock you over with laughter, then slap you with a very deep statement that explains your whole life and makes you a better person.
Rabbi Barry Silver just gave the best sermon I have ever heard! I woke up very refreshed.

by AAA12345 September 26, 2015
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