Also referred to as "Weird People University", this school festers the rejects of the popular hate group "The LGGBTTTQAAPPXYZ+". The school typically leans towards the libertarian/left of the political spectrum, which causes many of the student body to develop some form of autism.
"Hey what school do you go to bruh?"

"William Peace University"

"Lmao, what a libtard!"
by dolphin queef February 26, 2021
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Like the one finger salute , like flipping someone the "bird"
The person passing flashed him " half the peace sign" polite or evasive for flipping the "bird"
by Cyril nashCCyril Nash December 17, 2017
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The opposite of an adrenaline junkie. Someone whose soul mission in life is to find inner peace.
Nah, bro, she’s too much drama. I’m a peace-chaser.
by earthyminimalist October 9, 2020
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"My favorite guy Hitler got the Nobel Peace Prize and Man of the Year in 1938! He's so cool!"
by atticusnari February 7, 2020
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A three way sexual encounter with two males and one female involving copious amounts of "eh's" and the participants complimenting each other throughout. There must also be a container of Maple Syrup present. Does not necessarily have to take place on Canadian soil.
Sharron told her sorority sister that she really hopes Paul and Lester Canadian peace pipe her in her dorm room after the kegger.
by pecs for dayz November 6, 2013
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In some parts of the world, a term used to describe fingering a girl

Friend 1- "yo man what did you do with her?"
Friend 2- "got a handy, and peaced her."
by sadfasfff October 29, 2008
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A thought given by God telling you what to do accompanied by a very, very strong feeling of joyous peace.
I was thinking about what I should be doing career--wise, but directional peace said, "Stay put." So I stayed at the library another one or two years.
by lawpseudonym July 9, 2021
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