The most amazing mummy ever she is so kind and caring and just the best ever.i luv her so much and i know if im ever sad i can go to her and she will make me happy.
i luv u mila baby
by peter:) April 1, 2021
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Being so calfed (look up) you pass out in the fetal position.
Dan disappeared for hours. After being concerned of his whereabouts we found him baby calfed in the bathroom.
by Biggity Big Pun June 6, 2007
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to give birth to a virtual baby, you have to wait 9 days (signifying the 9 months) and then the child will come through the spirit of the heavens.
wow! a virtual baby!
by virtual baby May 9, 2021
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A baby that is conceived to restore a failing marriage.
Do you really think slapping a bandage baby on your marriage will fix it?”
by Cannabisius March 4, 2021
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A Name for a bitch with a little canoli
Baby Sunflowers got a big nose
Baby Sunflower is broke
by Lil Canoli December 15, 2021
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It’s when taking a “dry scoop” of pre-workout to the face before hitting a pump. Someone, usually of the preferred sex but if it’s with ur boys that’s cool, puts the “chaser” into their mouth to then spits it into yours to help wash down the powder.
Kyle: “Yo, I just ran a “Locker-Room Baby-Bird” with Ashly and I’m bouta hit a bench PR‼️“

Bradly: “Hell yeah boy, can you help me with mine real quick? “*passes gatorade* “Cuz we’re boys, right?”
by May 21, 2021
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Something you can make with a baby you just barbequed.
Christian girl- What is that you're grilling?

Devil Worshipper- Baby kabobs, you want one?

Christian Girl- I'm calling the police and child protective services on you, amd later on I'm going to have a deep and meaningful conversation with Jesus about you and tell him all the wrongs you did, you should be ashamed of yourself, you're a coward and I can see why you are single.

Devil Worshipper- I wouldn't advise that, and besides, what is child protective services gonna do about this baby now, eat some baby kabobs with me? I just scooped up the babies that were still in the same spot they were hours before when I saw them last, because I knew they'd end up being stupid if they got to grow up, the ones that weren't still there escaped getting smoked on my grill, so I'm helping population growth decline steadily by what I'm doing, and you think it's so cowardly of me. What are you doing about population growth?
by The Original Agahnim January 6, 2022
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