A Term Used By Some Gamers To Refer To Hard-Scoping While Aimed Down a Hallway
God Damnit That Son Of a Bitch is Weasel Whacking!!
by Arbiter19963 January 13, 2011
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Whack-a-mole; another term for glory hole room. To play whack-a-mole is to partake in a glory hole room and whack off many cocks.
My girlfriend was so good a jerking and sucking cock she wanted to prove it. She went into the whack-a-mole and made 10 guys cum.
by 0neHugeWang! July 5, 2023
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When you have dodo coming out of your bumhole and you play around with it a little so you squeeze it back in (like how a black hole sucks things in), then rebirthing it back out, then in, then out, etc. This repetitive movement is of similar fashion to the moles in the game Whack-A-Mole
I like to perform the Black Hole Whack-a-Mole technique because it feels as if someone penetrated me with their massive cock in my anus
by Dingleberry Legacy May 26, 2018
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When something is so messed up; or something is so cool.
“Bro you fucked my girlfriend? that’s so jizz whacked

Noooo way dude you got a ferrari? that’s so jizz whacked!!”
by wageth July 6, 2019
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Crapping yourself, being really scared of something. The word 'my' would usually be pronounced 'me' when said by a Teessider. (North East England)
I watched a HORROR film the other night, was proper scary, i was shitting my whack
by CharlieC December 24, 2017
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Phrase Brad said once that Jaden repeats multiple times a day without context.
Matt: Sorry I wasn't on ps4 last night guys, I was doing charity work for orphans in Africa"
Jaden: Mad whack for what
by moonwalkingincalabases January 30, 2021
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Aka "tentative/trepidatious tap". Refers to the hasty and teeth-gritting "getting it over with" hand-slap that you give a metal door-handle prior to grasping it, to swiftly ground yourself and thus lessen the nasty wallop of a static-electricity shock that you'd otherwise get if you merely reached out timidly for the door-handle and caused a huge white spark to jump from "A" to "B".
I always perform the wary whack while running my errands around town during the dry winter months; the only problem is that my hand gets kinda numb and bruised after a while from all of that harsh pinging against the cold hard metal door-knobs and handles on the front doors of the assorted places of business that I have to go around to.
by QuacksO February 9, 2019
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