"Yellow, is this Lynda?"
"Lynda, you finally answered?"
"Why yes, Abigail."
by Pinkloading July 15, 2017
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The color of pee, bananas and lemons.

Oh and people who dont brush there teeth.
I hope your pee is yellow or there is probably something wrong with you.
by Z- July 25, 2008
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A cool color!We all like that color!!Well,not all of us,but yellow is a cool color!
Yellow is a nice,relaxing color!
by hb10 December 1, 2007
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Definition 1:
"Yellow" a term used for calling someone a fatass. This meaning originated from south eastern Ohio and has since spread to the whole of the Great Lakes region. This can meaning can be interchangable with the spanish word for yellow which is "amarillo". This is because during surgery fat is ussualy seen in a yellowish color.

Definition 2:
A color.
Definition 1: "Matthew is Yellow/Matthew es amarillo."

Definition 2:"The wall is yellow."
by Rick James /OC March 22, 2017
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Another term for a banana.
The word comes from verbal logic.

If Oranges are orange then you should call a banana a yellow.
I only ate one yellow.
by judge dredd7 November 10, 2012
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Someone who threaten's to hurt someone in a wheelchair and when the person in the wheelchair stands up for themselves, the offender runs away with their tail between their legs.
Come back here and I'll shit down your neck you Yellow Cockhole!
by Kung Of The Duckheads July 29, 2018
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A fast food item found on the secret menu at BoJangles. It’s so secret that even the employees don’t know about it
Costumer: Lemme get a Yellow Babber
Cashier: Look you about to get nothing. I’m not gonna play witchu. You gonna be Yellow Babberin and your ass still gonna be hungry
by Dexter1012 December 22, 2020
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