When you kiss your friend’s dad while he’s on the toilet
Bracken: Oh yeah my dad is in the bathroom
Christian: Well in that case I’ll give him a Tucson How Do You Do!
by DadSmoocher67 December 31, 2018
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what you ask someone when you want to know if they use the popular instant messaging program AOL Instant Messenger.
#2: You're cool, do you AIM?
#1: Oh do I! This is my screenname, add me!
by humans are scary July 28, 2006
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Used mostly in the north western part of England. Do you game is basically someone asking if you send nudes or if you do than you do game
Boy: do you game girl
Girl: yes!
Boy :sends cock
Girl: sends pussy/tits
by Scouse girl January 6, 2020
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The ultimate insult, all "No Us" and Reverse Cards do NOT work on this, this will vanquish the opponent to the shadow realm, forever damned to eternal suffering.
John: Your granny tranny
Nick: *smiles* do you are have stupid
John: *fades away, sent to the shadow realm
by begone-clot October 23, 2018
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A query you ask someone after stating a joke that they don't get
Louis: "hey sophie did you hear that half life 3 comes out february 29th, 2019"
Sohpie: "oh wow that's awesome"
Louis: "sophie do you get me 2019 doesn't have a february 29th"
by buy me free games October 8, 2018
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