A red basterd swingin' around buildings with spageti as ropes. The New York hero is red and blue...witch is ugly as hell.That big spider-freak asshole swingin' around is our fiendly neighborhood SPIDER-MAN. A weak geek started getting manly enoughf to go be bit by a spider that then he becomes a costumed man spider. And then there's a lot of vilans are runnig after that Gearge of the Jungle copyright.

MOM: Oh look a plane !
kid: what the hell that's a giant spider.
DAD: NO it's Superman !
retard: it's a giant dick?!?!
Spider-man: NO ! it's me your friendly neighborhood SPIDEY!

by Blubid April 23, 2008
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To masturbate while wearing a pair of worn unwashed panties over your head, with the gusset over the nose - so you can inhale all the heavenly glory.

Correct positioning of the leg holes either side of the eyes enables visual stimulation to be used as desired.

If the panties are heavily soiled with anus debris the act becomes known as a ‘Smelly Venom’.
Uncle Albert was in trouble with Rodney when he accidentally washed a pair of Cassandras knickers Rodney had been saving to have a ‘Dirty Spider-Man’ with.
by Marty the Hat May 7, 2020
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The greatest game of all time. No other game could come close to mastering the beauty of the game. 10/10.
Man 1: "I wish I could fuck this CD of Spider-Man PS4 right about now."
Man 2: "Woah, that copy of Spider-Man PS4 does not deserve you, dude."
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One of the best pieces of Marvel media. Period.
Bro do you remember when The Spectacular Spider-man used to air back in 2008?

Yeah man, good times.
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A very underrated and under appreciated movie. The movie’s critical failure was mostly due to the studio (Sony) pushing Sam Raimi (Director) to have venom in the movie. Though the final product was messy as it is, it’s still a decent movie.

P.S. this is all Sony’s fault. Sam Raimi had no intentions for venom. In a recent interview, he says that he “never understood the character”, which is totally reasonable. Please don’t blame my guy Raimi by being a dickhead.
Person 1: Yo, have you seen Spider-Man 3?
Person 2: Yeah, it was awful.
Person 1: Yo bro, there were a lot of great moments in the film and you still think the movie is plain awful?
Person 2: You know what, I changed my mind. Spider-Man 3 was decent. It’s just the studio that I hate. I feel bad for Raimi though... great filmmaker.
by RockBroccoli101 August 27, 2019
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your partner gives u head then b4 you climax pull her head off ur mushroom, cum in your hand, and finally throw it in her face while saying Go web Go
Lisa a. OMG he totally crank that spider man all over me last night!
Lisa d. I kno you still have some on your face
by bhjodrtzdtyfug March 7, 2009
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From a missionary position, just before climax, the male stands up on the bed, performs a backflip, ejaculates into his hand, throws it on the ceiling, and lands on his feet.
by Urge2Splurge October 1, 2016
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