The act of slurping malted alcohol from a "keg" whilst chunding thine nasium.
"I have already enjoyed a 'keg stand' this evening, so there is no further need to chund my nasium."
by Push Latency July 23, 2005
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An annual Saint Patrick's Day celebration held in Albany, NY. There are two ways one can go about celebrating kegs and eggs; the first is by going out at midnight to several different parties and develop a buzz untill the sun comes up. Upon sunrise you move to one of the many bars such as Chubby's, Michael's, Bogey's, etc. You then continue partying, drinking, and bathing in beer untill around noon.
The other form of celebrating kegs and eggs for pussies is to set your alarm clock and go out at 6 in the morning.
Guy 1: Hey man, when are you going out tonight for kegs and eggs?

Guy 2: I was going to set my alarm for 6

Guy 1: You're such a pussy
by ACREDIBLESOURCE March 15, 2009
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Crouching on TOP of a keg, with one hand holding the open keg tap in your mouth while the other is pumping the keg. Your buddies all around you beat their chests like gorillas and make ape noises for the duration of your keg ape.
Dude, last night at the Lookout we were doing keg-apes till 4am.

Wedmore fell of the keg doing a keg ape.
by neuma neuma December 13, 2010
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The act of taking a massive dump after a hard night of boozing combined with Mexican food. Immediately followed by the rancid stench of a fermented decomposing rodent
The deadly fumes of Hugo’s keg drop are peeling the paint off the walls!
by Andy Steptenit February 9, 2007
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The guy that mans the keg at a party. Spends his time pumping that stupid hand pump. Between filling red Solo cups, he drinks as much as he can directly from the hose.

Secondary duties include making sure everyone with a cup has a permanent marker mark to show they've paid for their cup.
Dude we got the keg!

"I call keg nazi!"
by thewoodrow November 4, 2014
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The part of the keg that doesn't do the beer justice and gives a funky after taste.
by Conjoband November 7, 2012
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The process of commandeering the operation of a keg at a given party. This optimizes the potential to have a steady source of beer. Keg Command also enables the said commander to hit on selected girls, by giving them preferential beer service over the crowd of thirsty party- goers.
Guy 1: Hey dude how did you get so drunk last night?
Guy 2: I established Keg Command early in the night, that's the only way to get drunk at these things
by DetVicMackey March 13, 2010
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