A glammy band from Britain who were really good rockers! And really SWEEEEEEEET!
Sweet F. A.
by CatherineInRock January 9, 2004
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Like saying “it’ll be okay
Friend “are you sure you don’t want one”. You “no, be sweet”
by Orla Crossan February 27, 2018
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A word to imply a sexual rendezvous with a partner.
"I feel energized today after getting some 'sweet' last night.
by 13Ronbets July 25, 2016
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I have a craving for grape Jolly Ranchers, Albertsons' birthday cakes, and their sweet jelly rolls with icing on top.
by Saints October 13, 2003
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Word Meaning Something is sweet, very nice, or awesome. Created by Taylor not Matt.
"Wow, We are going to the fair?! Sweetness"
by Musiclvr14 March 24, 2009
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The best. Equal to "the shit". Like the adjective 'sweet' but used as a noun to describe a supreme level of goodness.
His car is the sweet.
by sally pearl August 19, 2006
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mainly used by white teenagers in the north of london this word is generaly used for anything from greeting someone. to thanking someone for something or describing something.
'sweet mate whats happening' or 'sweet, thanks for that' or even 'yeh ralph is well sweet'
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