The reason why many people don't want kids. Usually used to talk about children who act like stuck up little freaks and should have been aborted when their parents found out they were pregnant. Reason why Uzis and flamethrowers should be legalized as private weapons.
Shawn B. says that the spoiled brat that lives across the street from her got kidnapped last month...and his parents are actually celebrating instead of searching for him!
by RatchetBoo April 27, 2003
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1. A compulsively spoiled individual that is under the false impression that they actually work for the things they have.

2. A pork loin that has been marinaded in vinegar and rolled in corn flakes
"Romdel is such a Spoiled Henry. I can't believe he actually thinks that he is working hard, when in fact, his mother buys him everything he wants"

"Dude where you last night?! You smell like a Spoiled Henry!!"
by Sean Sizemore SS February 18, 2010
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A person who is spoiled to a certain extent, where they start to become a bitch.
Lizzie is such a spoiled bitch! Her dad buys her UGGS all the time, then wears them to school saying how weird regular boots look.

Maia's twin sister Leanna is a spoiled bitch. While Maia focuses on school, Leanna focuses on when her new Versace purse is coming and making people's lives a living hell.
by PanicAtMySchoolCafeteria February 18, 2015
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Dropping that big old post holiday meal shit into the crapper.

May also refer to the shits after too much holiday party cheer.
I just dropped some holiday spoils after that wonderful turkey dinner.

The office party this year was great with an open bar. But I must say it left me with the holiday spoils the next day.
by Eaton Holgoode November 10, 2018
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someone who spoils your favorite tv show and/or movie quite rUdely
"oh by the way dildohead dies"

"dUde!! don't be such a sally spoils"
by isthataDChoodie August 8, 2017
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A spoiled brat is usually a rich, lazy, and entitled kid or teenager who gets everything they want and takes life for granted; they taunt people below them and are used to extreme luxury. They often have private education and are very shallow. They are also often narrow-minded and rude. They can't stand to hear the word "no" and rarely have to work for anything. Spoiled brats are pampered and overprivileged, and they expect the world to cater to their wants.
Spoiled Brat: "I have an iPhone and I'm only 12 years old, and you don't. You're such a loser! It's so awesome. Ne ne nene ne!"

Person: "Stop this ridiculousness."
Spoiled Brat: "Whatever." *sticks out tongue and throws money*
by Persona Randômé April 23, 2020
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Someone who is disobedient,naughty,evil.Someone like Lorenz
by WhiteGMA March 27, 2015
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