a sport that americans will never embrace because it is one of the worst sports ever. though better than american football, it is 1000x worse than lacrosse, because lacrosse is a true american sport, with actual contact. lacrosse is a true man's sport and soccer is not, because soccer does not involve contact, it is boring, and a large number of players, from what i can tell, are homosexuals.
Soccer sucks, play lacrosse like a real man.

That soccer player is gay.

That laxer is hip and owns all the soccer players.
by laxor May 28, 2009
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A faux sport played by emaciated, effete european boys whom possess no discernable athletic skill.
James: Did you see that pussy britboy saying soccer is the best sport in the world?

Joe : Yeah, how can you even respect that pussy?
by LimeyCocksuckers April 3, 2006
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1. A sport of grown gay men faking thier injuries
{TAPPED in the back}
Soccer player: AHHHH!!!! SHIT, my lung is in cardiac arrest!
by man with the flow July 21, 2006
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The gayest sport. in gay countries its sometimes known as football. 90 minutes of nothing. players wear stupid long socks and short shorts. if someone gets a goal then thats like a once in a million years occasion. the only sport where 2-0 is a blowout. 95% of the game is spent by 2 defence guys tapping the ball to eachother. if you touch someone you get sent off the field. if someone gets the ball taken from them they flop and pretend they're hurt. if someone scores then they jus put all their players in the defence half of the field. goalies feel the need to dive for the ball, even if its going straight to them. NBA is way better.
soccer fan: OMG did you see that guy on the other team just dive onto the ground and pretend hes hurt. I hate when he does that.

me: everyone who plays soccer does that. duh.
by jed_dnuggets June 10, 2007
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The most popular, over-rated sport in the world. You are lucky to see a score every 30 minutes.
People say that soccer is "hard" and all about "Skill". That dosn't make it exiting or overly fun.
People act crazy at the soccer, especially afterwards. There is always usally riots, torched cars, bashings, and that's just what the winners do. Supporters of the losing team nearly always cry after every match, no matter how insignificant it was. They have been known to attack supporters of the other team, cut themselves, throw themselves off of balconies even cut off their genitals with bolt cutters.
You better not think about even nudging the player with the ball or you'll get a yellow card. And Heaven forbid if you even accidently trip your opponent, you'll be sent off with a red card.
Exiting events rarely happen, and the score is often a draw.
For a real sport try basketball.

Me: Geez get a life, play basketball.
by Aussie_baller July 8, 2006
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a sport where two teams of girls/feminine men run around and kick a ball for 90 minutes, soccer fans get angry when they're called pussies just because their sport involves no contact and little to no use of the hands, they also insist that their sport is exciting despite the mundayne nature of passing the ball a thousand times and extremely low scoring games, it is, however a good pastime for women who like to keep in shape.
I punched some fag in the face the other day because he was bitching about how I had disrespected soccer.
by canadian_football_fan February 20, 2006
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1. A great respected sport that requires lots of skill and will never get respect by most north americans.

2. A branch off of a no holds barred game where people would try to make points by kicking a ball over a bar.

by Steven August 20, 2003
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