A work situation in which your "boss" knows little or nothing about the job or department they are over seeing ,while you are knowledgeable or skilled.This is usually brought about by said bosses Brown Nosing ( or being related to)another boss higher in the organization, thus obtaining a "Gift Job" or promotion that given job performance ,ability and native intelligence should have been rightfully yours.
This twofold(at least!) incompetence leads to the uncomfortable situation In which you are required by duty to teach your"boss"a job, technique or skill so that they may rationalize their pay increase while demonstrating that they are your superior.Truly great incompetent bosses are like ghosts, they are rarely seen and seldom heard.In particularly heinous examples good spirited directions by you are foiled by moronic orders or suggestions by them.You are thus caught in a triple bind If you tell your "boss" what you really think you will be fired .If you tell a Superior it may get back to the incompetent superior,the giver of the "Gift Job". Which could have repercussions for you. Thirdly if implemented these idiot orders or suggestions will FUBAR the work in question or even get people killed.The best Antidote to Boss Sitting is not to do it .Pass it on to a more worthy associate. Personal sick days should be taken.If a session of Boss Sitting is unavoidable(and no one knowledgeable is looking)it is best to use The Zen Empty Sponge Technique (ZEST) "Teach me O Learned One".You will indeed have learned how to "stop the world"or at least the work world.If left unchecked Boss Sitting could be the end of the civilized world.
Incompetent Superiors Everywhere need boss sitting.
by Memester February 1, 2007
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a term meaning up to no good or shady business, such as what you would think if you saw someone actually sitting on pancakes
Salmen skipped classed without explanation, he is sitting on pancakes
by Mr.Moneybags January 27, 2011
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One of the best and biggest SIT classes anyone has ever seen. If you think they won’t be able to do it, they’ll prove you wrong. They have one thing that every SIT class wants but can’t have, “the clutch factor.” If you ever meet a SIT 19 in your life, hold on to them and never let them go.
That’s not Jesus, that’s a SIT 19
by SIT 19 August 7, 2019
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Like Sit-Com, Sit-Hom is a situation homosexual. A man who is normally straight but, given the right circumstances, might be persuaded to go for a bit of man on man.
Hey Billy, did you know Mike went to Quentin's party last night? He has a regular bird but I reckon he might well be a Sit-Hom given the chance. Quentin's certainly smiling this morning.
by The Course Man July 12, 2012
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The act of watching a person's house, whether a neighbor, friend, relative, etc. Activities include eating all their food, watching their TV, and playing with their pets. Can be very fun or just a huge drag.
Person 1: Dude, house-sitting is so lame. Let's throw a kick ass party!
Person 2: Fuck yeah!!
by snarky56 June 22, 2009
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Situation Report. Used commonly during radio transmissions or situations requiring shortened sentences, such as during a battle.
"Whiskey 4, this is Charlie 1; What's your sit-rep, over?"
"Charlie 1, this is Whiskey 4; situation is nominal. Over."
by Richard Arthat July 14, 2007
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Also known as SOID. This disease was first identified with RIco O'Neill. It causes you an urge to sit on it, and back, thigh,calf, and butt pain. In rare cases, some have experienced hand shrinkage.
Rico: Ohhh, I just found out that I contracted sit on it disorder!
Ms Cannon: I hope you get better.
by Rico_Equal_Rights October 25, 2018
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