Cyberporn. Pun on (hot-flavoured) chili con carne (chili with meat) and the silicon in the chips in your computer.
I surfed the web for the sites my friends from school had set up two or three years before and found myself looking at more and more silicon carne instead.
by Fearman December 19, 2007
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A personal computer for the geekily infatuated person. It serves as a source of companionship and interaction. This can include anything the computer or Internet has to offer, including games, chatting, porn, etc.
Mike loved his new Silicon Mistress. It was the best laptop he'd ever owned.
by NCGeekyPants February 11, 2011
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An individual whose body is more than 10% silicone.
Look at that silicone dumpster, there's no way any of that is real!
by Z7 May 14, 2014
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That person who always knows what's wrong with your computer as you watched too much porn/are a sucker for pop-ups. Seemingly solves any issue with ease.
hey my computers fixed now thanks to luke, he's got such a silicone thumb.
by ldf13 July 4, 2011
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An area with at least 2 women with huge fake breasts
Little Joe: Hey dad, can we go to silicon valley this afternoon?

Dad: No kid, not again. We've visited grandma and aunt Sally already twice this week!
by woobledoo1978 February 11, 2005
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It also has to do with being stuck opposite Bridgette Nielson in a packed lift.
Is it tight in here, Bridgette Nielson, or is it just your blouse? (Ah, I'm in silicon heaven!)
by billyfab2 September 25, 2009
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