Slang for a gay person. They are called this because they are professionals at squatting on dicks.
Tim is such a fucking squat sergeant that he's going to have to wear diapers by the time he's 40.
by PapaBear5 March 24, 2016
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A gay male who is the sex rag doll of the local community. Typically one who lives to get drilled in the ass.
Mike did you run into Chad yesterday?

No I didn’t but I walked by his house and heard utter screams of pain from his window I think Gary was over again.

Chad was probably being a drill sergeant again
by Gary Gravels September 12, 2018
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When you jerk yourself off with chocolate pudding.
Martin: "Damn Marc what's that brown stuff all over your pants?"
Marc: "I just gave myself a Sergeant Rosati."
Martin: "So that's where my snack pack went."
by TheBafflerKing February 6, 2010
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He's the meanest bastard that you've ever seen. One time he caught one of the recruits out of his uniform, then he started the loudest ear-blistering rant you've ever heard, it was inspiring.
Sergeant Arch Dornan - "Welcome to Camp Navarro. So, you're the new replacement... You are out of uniform, soldier! Where is your power armor? Don't have any? You expect me to believe that, maggot? The truth is you lost an expensive piece of army-issue equipment. That suit is going to come out of your pay, and you will remain in this mans army until you are five hundred and ten years old, which is the number of years it will take for you to pay for a Mark II Powered Combat Armor you have lost! Report to the armory and have a new suit issued to you, then report back to me, private! Dismissed!"
by Seargeant Arch Dornan April 8, 2022
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An unprofessional NCO, whom at the rank of Staff Sergeant, feels he/she is not accountable to anyone else. E-6 US Soldier who abuses rank to obtain pleasure, profit, or personal safety. Any Staff Sergeant who mistreats soldiers of the same or lesser rank, because he/she feels they are entitled to do so by some devine power without any consequence or intergity.
Staff Sergeant Major Dixon is such a dugan. He never tells his section NCOIC where he is at because they both are the same rank and he feels his rank is more important than duty position or accountability.
by TribalSoulJah October 13, 2011
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Once gaining access to Shrimp Town you will find you are in good hands as the leader of the shrimp army, Shrimp Sergeant Paul, will defend Shrimp Town with his life. Paul can morph into various different shapes to fight absolutely anyone. Keep your distance as he is known to be a very horny man and can often trick other species into consuming his squid dick.
Shrimp Sergeant Paul : "Imma beat you so hard you gonna need a shoehorn to put your hat on!"
by Mr Kyro December 19, 2019
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Expansion on the words player and fuck boy. A person that sleeps around a lot or drills frequently.
That guy is drilling a different girl every night, they call him Sergeant Drill.
by 2decadesofgraft August 29, 2019
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