when you go into a store, and are swarmed buy employees or "salespeople," trying to "help" you with your decision on what to buy. you then feel obligated to purchase something from the store just to get them off your back. their creepy persistence makes you feel as if you try to leave the store with out buying something, the doors will slam shut, and you will be trapped inside until you are indeed "convinced."
basic persian pressure:

"this beautiful persian rug will look wonderful in your office, my friend. very high quality. i give it to you for only $3000.

or do you like this one? this one has a very beautiful floral design. for you, i give half off. only $4500.

it's up to you. so which one will it be?"
by trikit July 28, 2010
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when your cat tries to make you do bad things.
"my cat told me to do some cat nip with him. i totally fell under the purr pressure."
by meowskibrowski November 30, 2011
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A song by Queen co-written with David Bowie featuring lines such as "It's the terror of knowing what this world is about, watching some good friends scream "LET ME OUT" tommorrow gets me high high"
Under Pressure was one of Queen's best-written songs.
by Vi January 2, 2004
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This is a compliment usually given to someone you find attractive no matter the beginning pronoun. It’s when you find someone extremely attractive conventionally and it’s as if they could “pressure” you to do things you wouldn’t usually agree too.
Friend 1-“Ayo gang I ain’t ever seen you on a date

Guy- “She pressure af can’t even say no”.
by Alphamale111 May 16, 2022
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Douching with Mentos and Diet Coke to prevent pregnancy.

(contrary to popular belief, it does not work)
"Sally decided to try a pressure wash when the condom failed"
by Episkopose Gorm February 17, 2009
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the act of pressuring a friend to eat a moldy peace of fruit
Hey dude, just eat it! Come on man, everyone's doing it! Just eat that rotting piece of fruit! Yeah man, pear pressure!

Fuck I'm so sick after being pear pressured into eating that rotten kiwi.
by urbandictionarytaughtmeallikno November 15, 2010
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A song written by Queen and David Bowie, that Vanilla Ice lifted and put into "Ice Ice Baby", and later tried to convice the public that his version was different. The Used and My Chemical Romance are currently performing Under Pressure on the Taste Of Chaos. They will be releasing a studio version to support victims of the Tsunami.
Under Pressure is THE BEST SONG EVER.

"Did you get to see MCR and The Used perform Under Pressure?"
by Rebecca April 6, 2005
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