Poop: (aka: Shit, Mr. Big, Butt-Mud)

A smelly, oily substance thats is usually created by eating McDonalds, or an intoxicated late night binge at the local Taco Bell. Discharged from Uranus, "poop" is usually identified by it's offensive smell, and color changing appearence.
(Colors can very from "Baby Poo Brown", "Rum Bum Black", "Beer Butt Yellow" or the dreaded "Fuck me, I cant remember anything about last night, accept I killed a hooker, ate her brains, and took a poop in her mouth Green")
by MC KILLBOT 5000 September 25, 2005
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a large brown creamy dessert usually chocolate flavoured sometimes vanilla.
i went to my friends house and for dessert she made a lovely poop
by pooper dooper :3 December 2, 2011
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The shit that comes out of your ass, usually referred to as Shit, Crap or Taking the browns to the superbowl, Poop is smelly but can sometimes smell good when you eat the right foods. also it can change different colors too when eating the right foods..
1. "awww dave, i just took a big ass poop and my anus got bigger.. now its like a manhole."

2. "john! holy crap! i have to tell you something! i ate twelve bags of skittles and i swear i pooped out a rainbow!"
by Junkie2115 March 9, 2010
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come out of yo body for and go to wast
by CDH69 January 19, 2018
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A mushy brown substance that is also known as shit. Sometimes you eat it to get brainpower and get smarter. But some bury it in the ground and it fertilizes soil! You can mu=ix it with a bit of lemon juice and strawberries, and it tastes AMAZING. I recommend it 100000/100! Also, it is great for babies, for after they eat it, they will have a brain of an adult. It comes out of an ass and makes sure to mix it with a little urine to have a good taste. Add a cup of water if too salty. Enjoy! If you would like the real recipe, please search "911-NEEDPOOP!" on Urban Dctionary!
Make sure to have some poop before you go to bed!!
by madzeeys October 20, 2020
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