When your banging her from behind an she is up on all fours an you knock her hands out from under her then her face falls an hits the floor
Girl why is your face bruised? "He gave me the farm plow last night"
by Brutefire1991 June 6, 2016
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To plow a gagger is slang for snorting a large line of Cocaine or Crystal Meth. Plowing comes from the size of the line being too large to snort at a normal speed so the user accidentally 'plows' the line with the straw, moving the drug rather than snorting it up the tube. Gagger comes from the action of gagging that is often associated with snorting a line of this magnitude.
Dude, I just scored an eight ball! Lets go plow a gagger.
by Cannibalizer January 19, 2010
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In football, or any other contact sport when someone gets the shit knocked out of them by an opponent. Usually occurs unexpectedly & causes coma-like symptoms.

You can receive a Shit Plow by getting a clothesline unexpectedly too.
Damn!!! Did you see Donny get shit plowed? He didn’t see it coming!
by Dawn Keebals January 14, 2020
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A cheap or low class prostitute with no standards. As oposed to a high class prostitute.
Mike: Hey Dave you hear Steve hired a prostitute?

Dave: Yeah, I heard she was a bit of a plow sack.
by dave182 July 22, 2011
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When there's a chubby chick laying down and you plow her from behind
I'm about to pillow plow that hoe later tonight
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The act of inserting a female's entire hand into her vagina while engaging in anal sex, using her wrist/forearm as a means to alternately pull your penis more forcibly into her ass and push her hand more forcibly into her vagina.
I convinced my girlfriend to do a little plow-sharing last night, and her pussy is still too loose to fuck.
by Tuesday Night November 27, 2010
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