acronym for "please enter penis slowly inside"
wow she was wearing tights with pepsi written on her booty
by KGB_ February 14, 2011
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The divine drink of the Gods.

Pepsi > Coke
"Fuck coke, get me a damn pepsi bitch"
by gagagaSP February 5, 2005
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Pepsi= Coke + more water + more sugar. Ta da.
Why does my Coke taste like it's been watered down and sugar has been added? Oh it's Pepsi..
by Vic Shelick August 28, 2003
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Bottled/Canned shitty ass drink
by Kisle August 26, 2008
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1 can of pepsi has abt 365 calories..n a sexual intercourse can burn quite alot of those calories after havin pepsi it is recommended 2 fuck if one wants 2 stay fit and if sum1 invites u 4 a pepsi make sure wat he/she actually means...
lets have a pepsi now then mayb v can have sum fun
by xyz July 17, 2004
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Cola beverage, similar to coke.
"Wake up people,... Pepsi and coke are the same thing!" -Hommer Jay Simpson
by Justin J April 24, 2004
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pepsi is so simaler to coke i dont know y people r so picky if they got pepsi drink pepsi if they got coke drink coke
do u hav any coke?
no but we hav pepsi.
ok ill drink that.
by SBT March 8, 2005
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