A word sometimes used to describe a fat chick.
Was the club poppin?

Man it wasn't nuthin but blocks in there.
by jimmy March 2, 2005
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A slang term which means to ejaculate or cum on the tongue of a female, usually in order to establish dominance.
by Jes October 20, 2004
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A Block is a BLACK COCK!

Black + Cock = Block!
Tony:"Did you see that black guys cock?"

Bobbithon:"Dude, it's not a black guys cock, it's a block"

by SEAM-DOG January 8, 2008
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A person who is very bland and boring. Past being a square.
Austin is such a block, it is so annoying.
by meinachickencostume October 28, 2011
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(Pharse) to end a (Jinx)
"Oi Roy you're a cock!"
"Jinx!! I cou....."
"Block!!" *Dance*
by Eliot Bradshaw January 8, 2004
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Rubish. A word to express annoyance or show anger at a ridiculous statement. The American way to say bollocks.
Raed: I am so happy to see you today!
Natalia: Blocks!
Raed: It's "bollocks" idiot.
by RIRN February 8, 2009
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