The aftermath of an uncurcumcised dude wiping his smegma-coated penis across the upper lip of a chick. Like a dirty sanchez, but resulting from an abundance of smegma rather than the presence of shit.
Sven wiped his smega-encrusted, uncircumcised dick allover Jenny's mouth, leaving her with a dirty Norwegian moustache.
by Em Epher March 2, 2007
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When you stick a food in a girls vagina, then you penetrate her until the food is gone then with the residue on the penis you make the girl lick the food off of the penis. Then you ejaculate until seme comes out and let her swallow the semen.
Guy #1: Bruh me and my girl was getting freaky last night, we did a Norwegian Sandwich.
Guy #2: Aye, did y'all really do a Norwegian sandwich?
by El Hacedor De Lluvia December 22, 2015
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Sex position where the you measure out a line of cocaine, then put the female in the wheelbarrow position and you blow her back out while she hoovers up the gear.
Just picked up a couple of bags, the missus is getting the Norwegian Snowplough later.
by Hellohew August 17, 2021
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When a man jumps from the top of a bunk bed and breaks it to get to the woman on the bottom part.
Jim did the Norwegian screwdriver last night on Sheryl. She’s still in the hospital.
by RussianHummus December 17, 2019
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A variation on the wheelbarrow position, the norwegian snowplow is at a sharper angle, thus driving the recieving partner's face into the floor.
by Vampiric16 April 24, 2009
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1. a tune by the Beatles that is notorious for possibly being the first rock'n'roll hit that prominently features a non-Western instrument - in this case the sitar. The lyrics describe the evolution of an extra-marital affair that John had that was now over. Paul sang the words. The title phrase is a play on phonetics - the line "knowing she would" in the lyrics was considered to be too risque for radio so that phrase was replaced by "Norwegian Wood". If you ask me, that sounds even more "risque" or at least funny to me!

2. what you get after a night of laying with a Norwegian woman.
1. in my college class of "Art and Music of the Post-WWII Era" one day our professor played "Norwegian Wood" as an example of the Beatles' contribution to music and culture. She explained the meaning behind the lyrics and then asked us, "Does anybody know why it's called 'Norwegian Wood'?". I think "Norwegian girl, woody...", then I start laughing. She says, "I hear some giggling back there!"

2. Garry laid a young Norwegian waitress he met at a restaurant. The next morning he woke up with Norwegian Wood.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice January 19, 2009
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An act of shame committed upon a passed out person, where the perpetrator places his hairy naked scrotum upon the closed eyes of the victim. This must be performed while facing the victim's feet, so that the penis will naturally fall upon their nose in a manner resembling the noseguard of traditional viking helmets.

syn: Roman Warrior
"I know Ben threatened to teabag me if I fell asleep drunk last night, but I had no idea that he would go for the full Norwegian Goggles!"
by Soog McGuire August 10, 2007
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