A sketch comedy TV show that aired in 2016, and was created by comedy group Million Dollar Extreme (MDE). It aired on Adult Swim, a network that used to air really cool and underrated shows created by underground artists and comedians, but now airs shitty superhero shows and Rick & Morty.

A second series was funded in 2022 after the show was cancelled after it's first season, and should be out soon.
Cool ass mf: Have you seen Million Dollar Extreme Presents: World Peace?
Another mf who is cool: Yes. World Peace was a good show overshadowed by controversy.
by DankAssPicklePop June 14, 2023
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A girl who looks GREAT from behind (onion butt) but (fugly) when she turns around.
That's a damn shame. Ole girl has a million dollar body but a food stamp face.
by duh-man June 8, 2006
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The Million Dollar Billionaires is an elite group of igorant educated muhfuckas who's sole purposes in life are to become million dollar billionaires and to ball outrageous. These young men are ballaholics who love the dough more than you know.

Established at the Boston Latin School in 2003 the founding father's of the Million Dollar Billionaires were Mo Money, Old Ass Man aka F.I.A, and Caesar Leo. The group was established while the ballaholics were posted in the home of Old Ass Man.

They live by the saying "We madd ignant yo!!!"

Current members include:
P-Cutta, Killa Cam, Dirty Jay, Black and Gigabyte.
If you want to be a part of the Million Dollar Billionaires (M$B) you gotta be ballin or have some chance of ballin eventually.

M$B wannabe:"Ay, ay yo you fittin to fuck wit dem million dollar billionaires?"

Hater:"Fuck naw, those niggas are corny as shit."

M$B wannabe:"Word to mother those million dollar niggas got solid gold underwear."

Hater:"Fuck those niggas, they aint got shit."

(Million Dollar Billionaires walk in and drop there pants.)

M$B:"We madd ignant yo!!!"

Hater:"Damn those niggas is ignant, but they do have gold underwear though."
by L Himself February 8, 2007
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When you take a shit at work whilst on public holiday rates
If I can just Poo for a bit longer i’ll be able to squeeze out some more overtime on Christmas morning….the dream the Million Dollar Poo.
by Alfred Buttlicker December 31, 2022
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multiple good looking people in the same place/room.

(made by Emma Mc, on ft with Leah Mc and Erin T)
I'm on a call with Emma, Leah and Erin, this is a million dollar buffet.
by million dollar buffet February 20, 2021
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1. When a hooker who usually is very expensive lets you fuck her for free.
2. When you use Cool Whip during oral sex

3. The most common pie that clowns throw at each other
Jake: Dude, I just had some million dollar pie with Amber last night!
Tim: Lucky! That chick practically stole my wallet last week.

Lisa: I thought you were usually grossed out by oral sex.
Janet: I am, but we had million dollar pie last night so it was kinda delicious.
by SexBot11111 August 9, 2011
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