A big penis. Figuratively long enough to knock on ones ankles.
Jim over here’s got a hog on him, he’s got an ankle knocker
by Hawksenberg February 4, 2020
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Gangsters who prefer to shoot their victims in the head at close range.
Drive-by's are for pussies, we are knoodle knockers.
by Cody Wilkes September 16, 2007
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Referred to in certain places in England as a form of genital warts.
"Dude i can't believe you've got Jonesy Knockers, thats disgusting."
by Pimp_UK February 3, 2009
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"I'm going to get my nig-knocker and knock that nigger out!'
by Fonzdrew August 26, 2008
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Chris is sleeping with that dirty mutha-fuckin how's-ya-mama again; he's a good for nothin douche knocker!
by nancy & tina March 3, 2005
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When you lift the top off a toilet and take a shit in it, causing a disgusting job for the person who has to clean it up. First publicly referenced in American Pie; Beta House, when the guy takes a dump in the top of the john while yelling Hocker Knocker baby!
Dude 1: So did you score with that chick who took you to her house last night?
Dude 2: No man she was a total prude and I couldn't get any
Dude 1: So what'd you do?
Dude 2: I pulled a hocker knocker and ditched that bitch!
by IhadTo CleanItUp January 25, 2008
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