A man who’s a fierce dog probs 8”6 but is annoying and yeh
Jakey is wierd af.
by Alandog53 November 2, 2020
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When painting over badly chipped nails to look classier.
"Ew Hazel you can't go out with your nails rotten like that, you look like a tinker!"
"I have no time Ashleigh, how are we supposed to make the taxi to head to the club!?!?"
"Quick Jakey Paint in the taxi will sort you out"
"Ahh The Jakey Paint, what a life saver"
by Ashaalee95 May 3, 2013
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; a golden barrel of a dog. Half corgi, half lab. Similar in looks to a seal. Very loyal and happy. Does not move very fast!
Person 1: Did you see that floof over there? His legs were only 4 inches tall!
Person 2: The one shaped like a loaf of bread? That's a Jakey boy for sure.
by megaminty December 6, 2022
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