A crime the grand jury defines as a crime while you don't; skullduggery; dirty tricks.
Everything Roger Stone is accused of is a process crime.
by Crawdad Nelson February 1, 2019
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The "process snake" is a term which describes the insidious impact functionalisation has in large organisations. Functionalisation is often introduced to improve internal efficiency and is based on the idea of grouping certain skills and expertise in certain areas.

The downside is that organisations find they are unable to resolve queries quickly as they have multiple teams that are co-dependent on each other, yet each team has different priorities and does not have sight of the big picture.

The process snake is not normally deliberately created. It starts small, in one team or area, before eventually wrapping itself across every department in a company. It essentially deceives the organisation in to believing they will benefit, but ultimately ends up creating a complex set of inter-dependant steps that no single person in the organisation has the authority to change.
"I cannot find an owner of this process snake"
"This process snake is so slippery, I don't see how we will every bring more collaboration to the team"

"I wouldn't touch that process snake. It's so large now you'll just get bitten trying to make an improvement"
by crazydogpaw November 14, 2017
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the process of only processing a portion of what a person is saying.
"Say again, I was micro-processing."
"You'll have to speak slowly around her, she's a micro-processor."
"His A.D.D. self will micro-process everything said by a chick with size c tits or larger."
by Bo Webber the ORIGINAL WebHead January 28, 2018
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Someone who wasn’t intelligent enough to be an engineer. Also known as a “pretendgineer”
I wish we had some real engineers instead of all these process techs.
by Billyblanksbody October 14, 2021
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The term for any female who has had all three holes discumbobulated and destroyed beyond repair. Signs or symptoms include hobbled walking, tuna perma stink poon, and pooping without warning.
Whats wrong with Gina?
-Well Fran, she was kelsified last night..terrible isnt it

Houston, the kelsification process is complete!
by Dr. Pimpstatus May 26, 2010
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Phrase depicting the line of Toyota hybrids seen in the carpool lane on the 405 freeway, most often during rush hour traffic.

Also a phrase used to describe the intense jealousy one feels towards Prius drivers for getting carpool lane access while the rest of us rot in bumper-to-bumper traffic.
"Gosh, the Prius Procession was unusually long this morning. Those liberals must love the privilege of using the damn carpool lane."

"Did you see Becky's new Prius? Yup, she's joined the daily Prius Procession. That bitch."

by KittenD August 7, 2008
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