Because of the International Baccalaureate program, I am constantly stressed out, am missing out on the "best years of my life", and rarely have a weekend to have fun with friends due to the insane amounts of homework assigned. I also feel that it's all for naught.
by JamieJustice September 24, 2006
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A non-profit organization developing public speaking and leadership skills through practice and feedback in local clubs since 1924.

This has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with an international legion of superheroes that control toast in any of its forms.
Girl that runs up waving a Toastmasters International pen: "Toastmasters... International. Wait for it, it'll all make sense. They're a team of superhumans that control TOAST! Isn't that AWESOME?"

You: "No. It won't. That's not what they are."
by KowwsRule April 4, 2011
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Ah, the IB. First off, know that students who have lived through this torturous academic programme (by which all moral and ethical codes are violated) will be viable candidates for the local loony bin. This malicious and significantly sadistic programme is aimed to crucify even the most academically gifted students internationally, and typically transforms once creative and intelligent teenagers into braindead vegetables suffering from crippling levels of anxiety and insomnia; students are typically known to exude either arrogance of the grandest magnitude, or non-existing levels of self-esteem/confidence. Arguably so, a beneficial side-affect of the IB is the mastery of bullshitting your way through and out of any situation humanly possible.
The International Baccalaureate programme is also commonly referred to as 'Hell', and the typical IB student is commonly described as neurotic, and may be referred to as a veteran.

**side note, IB students are also commonly moulded into Grammar Nazis

"I... I like pain." - said the IB student (most likely in their second year, now immune to all forms of trauma and deprivation)
by GenZGrammarNazi November 8, 2019
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Zarna Joshi is the founder of the internalized oppression meme, thought h3h3 productions got the meme started
by brendons_forehead November 6, 2016
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A sandwich which is made up of whatever happens to be in the fridge at the time. All left overs, prepared lunches for the next day, saved deserts, and pretty much anything else but what's in the crisper. Those partaking in creation of such sandwiches are usually drunk, or sleepwalking.

#1 Rule of making the International Sandwich:
Nothing that is used in any way during construction can put back in the fridge or be usable afterward.
I'm just tryin' to make an International Sandwich.
Why you gotta go and bother me on MY time?
by Willom September 12, 2009
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*internally screaming* usually used when you're losing your shit and you just kinda scream on the inside.
Person: hey you okay?
Me: yeah I'm fine.
Me: *internally screaming*
by rawr_i_hate_a_lot February 16, 2016
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When someone sells a source that isn't theirs and gets exposed for it.
Hey, did you hear? One of the owners of Apex pulled an internal!
by Zyrex July 19, 2020
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