Really the "USA PATRIOT ACT," and acronym meaning "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act." Like most of the Bush administration's actions, this one sickens me. Passed with almost no congressional review in the wake of 9/11 (and thus taking advantage of our emotional state), the Patriot Act gives the Executive Branch and law enforcement almost Orwellian powers of investigation and presidence over the Constitution.
If the Founding Fathers were alive today, they'd probably stage another revolution against our current government.
by Mack June 29, 2004
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Behaving in a manner that does not make sense.
You put put mustard in your cereal? … you're acting tickles fam
by ej_adusky April 24, 2021
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when a person is not being genuine; or acts a certain way around certain people.
"Have you seen Anna?" "Oh, I don't mess with her funny acting self. I saw her at the mall and she acted like she didn't even know me."
by DMoney91 January 18, 2012
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Probably the biggest example of how fascist America is becoming. An act supported by millions of Bush-loving nut job super-conservatives who are afraid that terrorits have infiltrated America. The Patriot Act allows the NSA,CIA,FBI,ATF,DEA,DHS and law enforcement to spy on you. Includes phone taps, internet records, spy satellites,etc.
(NSA agent) "Look, that guy wrote an article about how President Bush is a tyrant. He may be a terrorist!"
(Donald Rumsfeld) "Good work. Another threat nabbed by the Patriot Act!"
by Justin B. R. January 31, 2006
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When your suggestiveness makes someone unable to reject doing suggestive things with you.
- How do I look in my new lingerie?
- Damn, girl, you gon' make me act up.
by WatchingNetflix December 6, 2020
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When anything that owns a pair of ovaries suddenly loses their mind because of a small inconvenience.

Usually pronounced with emphasis on Ovary
"Damn it Tyrone you had one job. Leave the god damn toilet seat up."
"Jesus, stop ovary-acting"

"She's just ovary-acting"
by Shaboops April 18, 2013
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