An idea that is generally quite strange or ridiculous, but is still somewhat reasonable.
Jim had the crack idea the other day of claiming that the TV was not working right to try to get a deduction from the bill.
by EncryptedStrike April 13, 2018
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Morning after coffee beverage ritual to ease a crushing hangover.

Black Coffee + Whiskey
We filed into the hotel bar the next morning and gingerly embarked on a round of “Bad Ideas” before breakfast.
by harmszone January 14, 2021
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the words were said by Russell Brand on conan

when someone thinks very dirty of themselves or someone else
Girl: (bends down) Dont be lookin
Guy: (looks anyway) Thats a really good piece of ass u got
Girl: dont get any pubic ideas Cuz u know ur gettin nothin from me
by newiberiastalkers3 April 7, 2011
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A person who actively seeks design ideas under the premise of giving out a job, only to use that creative persons idea as their own and seek developed ideas to further their own goals. Usually done for home improvements, digital and creative media by scumbags, housewives and other cunts.
"Here is an idea that I have, see if you can come up with a solution and I'll you'll be in a better position to get the job"- Idea trolling
by the Great Iloo February 7, 2018
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The term "wrong idea" is usually said by someone when they don't want you to contradict something they said. Two things are usually at the center of a wrong idea. If a girl liked someone as a friend but not as anything more then she doesn't want that someone to believe that she likes them more than a friend. The term is usually said by someone before they reject your thoughts or ideas. The kind of people who say this are more assertive and dominating. They might try to force you into unnecessary submission.
"I like you, but don't go around getting the wrong idea."
" I think you're getting the wrong idea..."
"Don't get the wrong idea but I don't think there is a right idea." - Contradicting Statement
by plumshady October 12, 2021
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An idea that you come up with that has the ability to make you billions of dollars.

Similar to the idea of Facebook that Mark Zuckerberg came up with in 2004. He is now one of the youngest billionaires in the world.
Guy: I'm sick of running out money. I need to come up with a Facebook Idea.
by ryantornado October 11, 2010
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Jess: i'll have coleslaw instead of crisps
Lisa: Oh, can I have the coleslaw instead of crisps?
Jess: You're an idea mule
by dundeedogtrainer February 27, 2014
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