by hah1337 October 3, 2020
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a shorter and more negative way of laughing. Its use in bad jokes often appear.
Guy: ' What did the car say to the truck?! '
Guy 2: ' what? '
Guy: ' Beep. '
Guy 2: ' hah. '
by Naxalite October 1, 2023
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An acronym for "how abysmal honey". Typically used to express pity.
Person A: I just lost my job.
Person B: hah.
by Lambiguous Coax November 16, 2021
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HaH means High and Horny. Usually depicted through text.
Friend 1: Wow dude I'm so HaH rn.
Friend 2: What does HaH mean?
Friend 1: Oh shit wrong person, it means High and Horny.
by bigsimpforwillywonka23 June 20, 2022
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A shortened way of expressing that it is HOT AS HELL.
Gahd damn buh is hah. It do be fuckin tho.
by vutAng1 October 7, 2022
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Gay slang used for saying “please start cumming in me daddy “ normally used in alleys
I went to my dad and said “Hah”
by Führer of germany January 1, 2022
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