A male name.

Gus, Bill Murray's nephew, brother of The Hotness. Looks sexy with long hair, but always cuts it in the middle of the year, leaving many people, especially "spellbound" girls, upset because he now looks...turtly...
Gus was really nice to me in fifth and sixth grade, I had a crush on him and his Anthiny Kiedis hair until he cut it. Now I moved on to his brother!

Gus, please stop cutting your hair...
by stray November 17, 2004
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1. Guy, friend, bro, pal, acquaintence
pl. form 'GUSY'
"hello... MR. GUSY!"
by I am the ASS December 3, 2007
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The perfect substitute for anyone's name. Male or female.
What's up Gus?

Hey Gus, did something die in the bathroom or did you just take a nasty smash?
by Angry Ape September 25, 2003
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Absolute god, is a genius, the best person, he is funny and everyone secretly loves him, he lives life on the edge and has amazing eyes, he’s better at everything than everyone, he is also the most loyal person ever, you can trust him. Has a goat style.
“Omg look at that hot guy over there” “omg he must be a gus
by Goatguy101 May 15, 2020
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Instead of saying COVID it’s now referred as Gus
I was at a party and the next few days I got the Gus
by Bear58 November 5, 2020
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its a slang mostly used in Edmonton that means dick
Yo that girl in my french lass sucked my gus yesterday
by d marvelouse March 16, 2015
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A person who steals a joke but says it a little louder and gets all the credit.
GUY 1:How does a rabbi make coffee? Hebrews it!
by yes this is good name February 4, 2020
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