accompanied by Bad times. Made famous by infamous hair man Justin Lee Collins. Used to describe two situations in the same sentence.
Michael: I got smashed last night while playing centurian. Good times. But then I fell over my own foot and smashed my head off a concrete pavement. Bad times.
by GlewbyDoo_x March 3, 2009
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A playboy who always has a good time. See Charlie Sheen for further details.
“What’s that girl’s sign say? ‘Sign my Chest’?What do I look like? Some kind of Good Time Charlie? That’s some Motley Crue shit, right there.” ~Johnny Rzeznik (Cleveland, OH, Jacobs Pavilion, 8/10/22)
by GMG1981 August 12, 2022
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People who are only in your life when things are going well for you and you have that good time to share with them. They leach off your success and good time moments. Otherwise they are not around, selfishly sucking off some other unsuspecting person having a bit of good fortune or success.
If I get the boat up and running by myself, I can expect my son to show up to go fishing on it. But help me get it ready? No, sadly he is strictly a Good Times Peep , not a true friend.

Can Austin put the work into getting to know me for a few weeks without interference, with say a retreat? No, he never gave that opportunity, because he is a Good Times Peep and getting to know someone he should on a deep level like that is a waste of his time.
by Have a Snickers August 28, 2018
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1. (n) A restaurant chain found only in colorado known for its custard

2. (?) A phrase one says when shaking hands at a catholic mass instead of the usual "peace be with you".

3. (n) The name of a soon-to-be popular book
1. Shannon: Hey, I'm in colorado. Where can i get a quick bite to eat?
Basil: Good times. They have burgers and the best custard ever.

2. Mr. Murphy: Peace be with you *shakes mariah's hand*
Mariah: Good times

3. Mariah: Are we ever going to publish that book?
Shannon: As soon as you start calling me again
by Storm Abernast May 11, 2009
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in a nutshell what jose said. can also be the feeling you get after a very good night out, etc., almost like you won't have that much fun ever again. usually happens after fun, rare occasions like a wedding or once in a lifetime things like turning 21.
after a crazy night of bar hopping for my 21st birthday, i have a case of what they call good times withdrawl. needless to say it kind of sucks i can't turn 21 again right now and the following nights are going to be fucking boring.
and i can hardly wait to get back to work...
by y2c August 14, 2011
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The good time girl is a girl you very much enjoy being with. She is easy to travel with, loves to snuggle, is tolerant and spontaneous, loves you dearly and is single. She is someone you take on trips to see new places, meet your extended family and experience new things all while you choose to remain married to your existing wife with no plans for future divorce or developing habitation with said good time girl. You cherish your alone time, so only plan to be with your good time girl when it best suits you and your life. The good time girl is good for this relationship only until she becomes aware of the fact that it will never, ever deviate from the pattern that has been established. Then, it may become necessary to find a new good time girl and start the process all over again.
Dude, you would rather stay at home and fight than plan a fun future with your good time girl? Lame, dude. Totally lame.
by TinyFlyGurl February 18, 2011
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phrase to express times that are good
Dude pat i hooked up with the hottet girl last night man, her name was emily and she was sweet! -Good Times man-
by Patrick Rasmus March 3, 2005
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