A Fomo is a glove slapping mofo
hey jonny why dont you fuck off you Fomo.
by joe jackson(mojo jojo) September 25, 2008
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Tell that FoMo, you have to cook pork before you eat it.
by TrunkJunker June 15, 2009
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When you update your phone because you’re afraid of not being able to see which emojis people are sending you.
Lisa: which emoji was that? All i see is a question mark in a square.

Sam: sushi eye roll mind blown. You should update your phone, don’t you have emoji fomo?
by Computersamnyc June 1, 2018
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That friend that is constantly guilting you into social situations you don't want to be in. The one that never hesitates to remind you how every quiet night you spend in is going to flash before your eyes as you lie on your deathbed in agony.
Bro: "Yo Delta Chi is throwing again tonight, you been cranky af lately, we're getting you your nut tonight"

You: " Eh, man we partied all week I actually made plans to get up early and hike with that girl I like. I might stay in this time"

Bro: "Dude stop being such a pussy. You only live one life, you need to live it to the fullest and not leave me hanging"

You (mumbling under your breath): "Why am I friends with this Fomo Fascist?" (As you reach for your axe spray and button down with your tail between your legs).
by TheRealL162 February 17, 2021
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The Fear Of Missing Out on a You Only Live Once Buy One Get One sale
Person 1 - Where's Matt?
Person 2 - He's home looking at the JCPenney site for a new coupon. He has FOMO YOLO BOGO.
by Jfman June 27, 2018
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Hey man, do you feel the fomoe too?

Nah, he’s staying one moe month bro!
by Moejowithwords July 4, 2021
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fear of missing out everyone; when you've had delusionary past and then you suddenly realise its not what your future holds! you fomoe yourself into utter disdain; a psychological disorder.
Hey that girl R on bumble has a delusionary disorder, she's in some fomoe trance!
by sundar.higher April 13, 2021
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