When people deep in the impoverished slum of Flint Michigan receive and eviction notice, they set their house on fire so they can catch and eat all the rats that run out.:Can also be done in other poor cities.
Rusty" Dude did you hear what happened to to Lyle?"
Tyrone" No, What happened?"
Rusty "they got an Eviction notice so they pulled a Flint Michigan fire drill"
by honkyhater69 March 13, 2011
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The preparation for evacuation after eating a gas station burrito.
English: I don't care how many burritos you had, we do not have time for a Mexican Fire Drill.

Spanish: Bano, rapido
by NotEvenHighYet December 29, 2011
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when at a red light you and your bros wearing lax pinnies get out and change the color of the pinnie. if a bro doesnt have a pinnie on he must moon the car next to him. and is mocked by his other bros. Only acception is if the bro is wearing a polo. or other Bro shit. Baseball Players cannot engage in this activity and it can only be done on mondays,tuesdays,thursdays, fridays, saturdays, and sundays. wendsdays are Broly days
that Lax Bro fire drill was totally the bees vagina bro
by alexander Flowveckin October 27, 2010
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A European Fire Drill is when you go to a crowded place with your friends and rotate the Instructor and the Student, the Instructor points out a guy, the Student runs to the guy and knocks him out cold in one punch then bolts for the door with his friends clearing the way.
I saw a dude get knocked the fuck out when I was out last night, I wondered if he deserved it or if it was a European Fire Drill.

Friend: Dude, no one has a reason to hit you?
Dude: No.
Friend: *laughs* You got European Fire Drilled
by Karllossus February 1, 2011
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Pulling a fire alarm in a crowded bar for no apparent reason.
When we were hanging out at O'Brian's the other night and Ryan McMurphy was just standing there, quietly drinking his Guinness, I should have known he was about to pull an Irish Fire Drill.
by Isosceles June 12, 2013
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A party game, typically found at co-ed teen and college age parties. Upon "Chinese Russian fire drill" being called, participants (everyone at the party) remove and exchange their shirts with another person as quickly as possible.
by Nick_13 September 11, 2007
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Similar to a chinese fire drill. However, instead of waiting to get to a stoplight, participants exit the car while it is still moving. Can be performed with multiple cars and also with multiple cars where only the drivers switch. This manuever is usually preceded by several pints of guinness.
Alex: ......a chinese fire drill? Does it involve fireworks?

Ben: I said irish fire drill you retard. Its a cocktail with 2 parts beer and three parts stupidity.
by spider_nugget December 11, 2009
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