A doctoral thesis resulting from fraud (typically plagiarism or ghostwriting) as opposed to one based on genuine scholarship. Smells foul only after being exposed but then sticks to the author for life. Exposure usually leads to the revoking of the doctoral degree.

A Piece of ScHmITt (see related entry) constitutes a subtype with a high potential to attract media exposure, although it accounts for only a small portion of all doctoral feces produced.
Not long after our professors started using plagiarism detector software retroactively, they realized doctoral feces are piling up in our faculty library.
by FrankBeaverbrook February 3, 2012
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To shoot the shit; to hang around and talk about whatever comes up without any real purpose.
Kyle: "Hey Brian, do you want to go outside and make targets out of cow manure and shoot our rifles at them?"
Brian: "No, I think I'm just gonna hang out here with Mike and Phil and fire at the feces."
by Nicholas D January 19, 2008
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The act of shiting into a sock, freezing it, then knocking a person out with it. This is immediately followed by thawing the shit in a microwave cutting it into bite sized pieces, and putting it into the unconious person mouth.
that gook looked at me wrong so I gave him a nice big feces pieces
by E grizzily September 13, 2011
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When your fucking your partner and they shart and shit sprays all over you.
Today on our dopplar radar feces hurricanes are expected.
by Cory Vazquez January 6, 2009
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A famous troll who has been spamming channels on IRC for about 3 years now. Nobody can figure out why he does it - it doesn't annoy anyone, and he almost always gets banned, or sometimes even g-lined, within seconds of joining a channel. His style is simple: he joins a channel, and spouts off all of the synonyms he can think of for "poop." He goes by a variety of nicknames, all of which relate to poop, including excrete, manure, diarrhea, turd, stool_sample, and many more. Not sticking to one particular channel or group of channels, he joins a wide variety of channels - usually by following an op who has banned him from another channel. He has been seen on all of the major networks and has been g-lined from all of them on more than one occasion. He can be mildly amusing at times, so if you need a quick chuckle, keep your eyes open for someone who matches this description!
excrete has joined #linux
<excrete> feces
<excrete> manure
<excrete> bowel movement
** excrete takes a dump
**excrete has quit IRC (killed (piggy (feces troll)))
by scatological January 11, 2010
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Small pieces of excrement which look similar to the deification produced by a rabbit or deer. These are generally the same size and shape of the common candy called "Reece's Pieces". This word is also pronounced similarly to the way the name of the candy is pronounced. Sometimes turds can consist of feces pieces that are packed together.
"I just took a huge dump and it was all just a bunch of feces pieces"
by the P.L.K. April 19, 2010
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"Where's your bathroom? I gotta lay a fece."
by SkinnyFrog December 11, 2002
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