When someone tries, but does not succeed. An obvious mistake they made whilst trying to look good.

You fail for looking up 'fail' in UD.
You = fail.
by Slush Kamuri February 14, 2009
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Word that is being consistently overused by assholes all around you so they can fit in and sound cool. Used to describe a minor disappointment in life, such as having a typo, tripping on your shoelace, or dialing the wrong number.

For other annoying overused words used by trendy douche bags, see Epic
Asshole 1: ZOMG d00d my phone fell in a bowl of cereal this morning

Asshole 2: Fail
Asshole 1: Lol I know
by cnopbl June 26, 2011
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The "not" of the 2000s. Something that is okay to say this year but if you say it next year will just get you looked at weird, like if you wear to go out in public with a fanny pack or wearing overalls with only one strap buckled. Used to disapprove of anything and everything. Only momentarily, of course. Often piggybacked with "fail" as "epic fail". Another reason for other socities to despise the ineptitude of the human beings within ours.
(Somebody does something moron in a Children of Bodom shirt doesn't approve of) "FAIL!"
by BDITM May 22, 2009
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What the most of the guys above me did.
Also what would happen to me if you all click thumbs down on this definition.
Uhh the people above me that failed horrifically.
by rofl waffles and lolcakes March 20, 2008
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n. One who consistently does not achieve success.
n. An even that does not achieve success.
What? You lost. You're such a fail.
That game was an epic fail.
by kyle2 November 2, 2007
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A verb that can be used in conjunction with any action, policy or position of the Bush (43) Administration.
Most historians agree that George Bush has failed in his duties as President in all possible respects.
by GIJoe September 17, 2007
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F irst
A ttempt
I n

L ife
Dude 1: LOL! You fail!
Dude 2: First attempt in life ;)
Dude 1: *confused look*
by Hurradurrp January 16, 2012
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