originated in lynnfield M.A.
someone who is really attractive; very good looking
dammn that girl is mad dank
by joeseph mother January 9, 2007
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high grade pot, not the best but far from the worst.. any other slang uses only makes me laugh my head off
I just hoovered a bongload of killer dank.
by cipher August 7, 2003
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dank (adj.) d'ank: Vicious, off the hook, buck, crazy, wild
Yo, that party was dank!
by Cheeese December 17, 2005
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friggin nice weed, which upon inhaling will then procede to cause the participant to become "high" as a kite within one hit
We smoked dat dank and de hills were alive. oh, yeah.
by ghandi September 19, 2002
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Cross between Dirty and Skank
Some one who is dirty and Skanky and they arent worth 2 words so Dank covers it
by Mali November 4, 2005
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completely and utterly disgusting, grotesque beyond imagination,unbearable, gross, blinding.
"check out that chicks pooch!" "man thats dank"
by Matt Albright January 23, 2005
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