When used alone, crock is often used as a synonym for "lie" or "bullshit". But when paired with "off" the phrase can be used interchangeably with "fuck off". Because the phrase is relatively uncommon, it is a great way to tell your opponent off while also confusing the hell out of them and making them forget what they were talking about in the first place.
Ignorant peasant: "Hey guy, you got fake timbs boy!"
You: "Crock off!"
Ignorant peasant: "Huh?"
by Cr0ck 0ff February 14, 2017
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Placing food in a Crock-Pot and subsequently having sex until the food is done, usually for 4 to 6 hours. A post sex feast would ensue, thus providing fuel for more sex.
"What are you doing for spring break?"

"Well my girlfriend and I will be Crock-Potting almost everyday, so that will take up the majority of my time."
by shirtlessphantom March 9, 2012
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Slang for a penis; crotch + cock
Anyone would feel insignificant if they compared their crock to the empire state building...except for me.
by MrAmazingful July 16, 2011
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To enter a restroom for the purpose of vomiting after someone defecated...and they didn't warn you knowing you were going to vomit.
My girlfriend took a shit in the restroom and when I went to vomit she didn't warn me...She "Crock-Potted" me.
by New York Bunny March 24, 2014
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Character from the popular show Young Justice. An archer and very fit lady. Do not fuck with her.
Damn, we need an Artemis Crock Muscle Apreciation day.
by Gay or european? November 27, 2017
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Brewing up a big, massive shit in your bowels for an impending assplosion. Like a fat hunk of meat stewing in a crock pot all day.
Braaaaaahhh I am hot crocking right now. My bowels are sloshing. It’s gonna explode soon.

I was Hot crocking all night at the bar but I passed out when I got home. Needless to say the overnight stew was a wet explosion this morning.
by Eaton Holgoode March 1, 2018
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