1.This is a highly flexible rope that is used in the sport of Bungee Jumping.
2.A flexible rope that has a hook on each end, used for securing things to something else so as to transport safely.
1. Jim Bob tied his Bungee Cord to his body but forgot to tie it to the bridge and now he is lying at the bottom of the river.

2. Jim Bob used his Bungee Cord to secure his porno mags to his bicycle.
by Mojo Maniac July 12, 2008
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A fortnite virgin who' s never had sexual intercourse with a real female. Instead he prefers to have sex with an anime body pillow with a 2 inch hole where the vagina would be. He's a major disappointment to his friends and family and is currently under house arrest for bringing his katakana collection to his school. His parents are considering a divorce because of his disappointing behavior
"you that cooper cordes kid asked me out and i'm like yeet id never date a weeb"
by lil_woodchip July 20, 2018
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a salty, crunchy and scrumpcious slurpy type of snack you can eat in the bathroom while youre having diareeha
-what are you eating
-just my cats spinal cord because its furry
-do you wanna try some?
by modaphuqer January 22, 2020
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A discord server full of edaters and active valorant players.
If you do love furries these people might help you on your furry love.
Mist cord defined in a sentence:
Person 1: "hey aren't you in mistcord?
Person 2: "Yea I totally am! Wanna vc and edate while playing valorant?
by MistcordUser November 9, 2021
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An IT individual who plugs in cords all day. No matter what is needed to fulfill a work order -a cord plugger’s quick fix to anything is to plug in more cords. They will order every kind of splitter, adapter, etc. to get away from hiring professional low voltage contractors. A cord plugger is like a a parasite that can ruin a Telecommunications Room. Cord pluggers also charge lawyer fees for their services.
Wow! All you do is plug in cords to get paid....You are just a cord plugger...
by Chron24 February 24, 2020
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What happens when an older man unzips his pants, pulls it out, and it dangles loosely like a phone cord.
I only sleep with younger men, I'm sick of the ol phone cord.
by Patty.E. June 3, 2018
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