The Crud that collects under the keys in a keyboard. Usually more severe in the keyboards of programmers and webmasters as they tend to spend a lot of time at the the computer and thus eat at their desk. Mainly affecting IBM Model M (clicly) style boards.

Can also be used to gross out Non-Techie people
Bill: want to go to the club?
Bob: No, I've got to clean out my board chow, keys are starting to stick.

Bill: Want to go out to get a bite?
Bob: No, i am just going to have some of my board chow/
Bill: Whats' that?
Bob: The food scraps that collect in my keyboard; Want some?
Bill: *GAG* *HURL* *GAG*
by BinaryHackerMan August 27, 2007
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When you’re going or are staying home, a term usually used in South Africa among young people
Boy 1: Nah gent we need to go out these holidays
Boy 2: For real we can’t be chowing pozi
by crumpetsandpeanutbutter December 12, 2022
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"Chow bad" is a term describing an Animal Crossing character named Chow. This character is said to be a bad character, hence the name. The phrase chow bad is usually used on it's own, and often spammed.
"Wow, you found chow? Chow bad, man."
by KannaACNH August 31, 2022
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To aggressively eat the vag and or anus.
by Armtistic January 21, 2016
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An expression most often used to show agreement or happiness over a certain thing or event. most commonly used the same way one would say "right on" or "sweet deal"

Originating in Portland Oregon, and highly used in the automotive industry "Bing Chow" is commonly said with an Asian accent. because, well is there any other way to say it?

It is not limited to being used as a response to good news it can also be used as an exclamation much like "eureka!"
1. dude, she made us cookies!

Bing chow

2. Bing Chow

oh good you found it.
by Project OMFG June 25, 2009
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A teacher who teaches in La Salle College ,which teaches English and religious educaton. She always say {Take out your shalom} and is always trolled by students.
Student 1: I like Mary Chow's lesson
Student 2: Don't be so 8745
by yeah b0i January 29, 2019
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When you contract covid and lose your sense of taste and smell and you are able to eat vagina like a champion.
Wife: Oh my god honey what got into you tonight, that was the best oral I have gotten ever?
Husband: I figured if I couldn’t smell and taste that snatch I must have covid, I hope you enjoyed that covid chow I gave you!!
by Aj36mason October 13, 2021
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