1. oh coo
2. what the hell, whatever
3. oh shit
guy: hey dude, your car got pimped by xzibit or funkmaster flex
me: oh good


guy: hey dude, your car was stolen
me: ugh, oh good
by seeen March 29, 2006
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When you wanna say “Oh my god” but your mom is next to you and you know she will say “don’t use gods name in vain” Being the appropriate respectful child you are you say oh my goodness and you mom gives you that fake smile really meaning I dare you to say oh my god.
Sees someone falloh my goodness are you ok?”
by Aryana November 7, 2017
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BadBoyHalo's favorite phrase. Often used right after Skeppy does something stupid.
by DeltaGamerAlt September 25, 2019
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Used as an interjection when something is blown out of proportion or simply surprising
Oh my goodness, did you see the size of those grapefruits? And they're on such a small fruit stand!

Amanda, oh my goodness!
by M/A February 6, 2006
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Used as an interjection when something is blown out of proportion or simply surprising.
Oh my goodness, did you see the size of those grapefruits? And they're on such a small fruit stand!

Amanda, oh my goodness!
by kmop August 13, 2009
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This is what you tell the person next to you before walking away from someone who just said something completely ridiculous.
Bob: I think Tupac was the greatest Rapper Ever.
Ray: Oh Pretty Good.
by Mojo Maniac July 15, 2008
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