While you're camping with your buddies, you take a shit in a bucket that you're so proud of that you bring it in hand to show everyone while they're drinking their bourbon and beer around the fire.
Brandon was so proud of his of his dump, that he showed Jeff his "Tennessee banjo in the casket". This also led us to know what Jeff had for lunch that day.
by JLBIII December 8, 2010
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1) Being so well made up, that it seems you are ready to be buried.
2) Heavily made up.
Gurl, if we die tonight, just bury me as is, because I'm open casket clean!
by greyplains January 13, 2018
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squad or straight thugs that put people in casket for fucking with them
Better Stop Sneak Dissin Before CSK( Casket Squad Killers come get you
by king kay November 19, 2014
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When u fuck a girl so hard she passes out or dies.
Me and Linda were in the back seat i we were fuckin and i did a pelvis thrust and she died.... so i ran the car off the cliff! (saved by jesus)..she's my cock casket
by coochie buster May 28, 2008
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the act of achieving a boner then wrapping your boner in duck tape and allowing yourself to get soft.
my dad asked me for a duct tape casket today.
by ericstotle January 9, 2012
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An expression used when someone asks a hateful or hurtful question or does something hateful, drastic, etc.

See also: I will fight you. Right in the face., i will cut you, I WILL BUST YOU, or I will choke you with your own asshole!!!.
Girlfriend: "What would you do if I cheated on you?"
Boyfriend: "I'd have your ass in a casket."


Guy #1: "I'm going to fuck your girlfriend."
Guy #2: "I'll have your ass in a casket!"
by Lacey Smiley January 12, 2011
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Most nurturing loving and caring person around. Very protective of the people he loves especially guys. Has great taste in music, fashion and people. He loves children and know how to have a good time with them, bringing them joy and pleasure.
by Popslime November 22, 2021
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