(1)An ever-present, overly persistent and/or unwanted suitor or friend of a male. (2)A stalker.
man 1: Who's that fat chick that keeps hanging around you?
man 2: Some fucking cock barnacle that won't leave me alone.

man 3: Hey, man are we hanging tonight or what?
man 4: Relax dude! We aren't married. Why you gotta be such a damn cock barnacle?
by lanstopher March 6, 2009
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noun. A small particle of excrement missed by the wipee.
'I thought my underpants were wearing thin, then I discovered an infestation of bum barnacles'.
by Stretch October 3, 2003
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when someone is being a really big bitch and is scared to do something.
Hit this shit man!
nah man i dont like weed
Dude your a fucking ass barnacle
by sean mcguire October 23, 2005
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Taking your boat out to the local watering hole with your drinking buddies, under the guise of keeping you're vessel's bottom free of barnacle growth.
Honey, I can't let the boat sit for so long, Ray and I are gonna take it out for a barnacle run.
by 2jimmy7 August 27, 2017
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noun- 1A person who refuses to use birth-control despite their excessive promiscuity and lower-class financial status.

2Anyone who wants children "with their new man/woman", despite existing children from another parent, with no regard to financial ability.

3Anyone who will have a child with an inability to financially or emotionally support any number of them.

4A promiscuous individual who wants children like a child wants puppies, and has no concept or ability to act as a functional parent; A person who views a child as an accessory, instead of a responsibility.

5A person who continually has children simply to increase benefits given by welfare, or who disregards the cost to everyone else to support their willful "promiscuity-without-protection" lifestyle.
"I would give to the poor in Rainier Valley, but there are so many welfare-barnacles out there, I changed my mind. They should hand out condoms instead of money."
by Prom&Lusus2 April 22, 2009
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When somebody in the friend group is temporarily demoted from friend status due to some sort of altercation/situation. Yet they have not yet reached frenemy status as it would not feel right without at least having them around. Reaching barnacle status enables said party a small amount of conversation in the friend group, but not to the extent where others will laugh at their jokes. After an agreed amount of time by the friend group, the outsider may be promoted back to friend.
Person 1: I am so mad at *name* for getting so wasted last night, he/she completely humiliated me in front of everybody!
Person 2: Dude don't worry, he/she knows he/she reached barnacle status because of last night
by Matsumoto111 June 5, 2010
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